
21 Dec

Yeah I'm coming again!
Today we are going to learn about Verbs. Before we start our lesson today, lets check out What is Verbs

The verb is perhaps the most important part of the sentence. A verb or compound verb asserts something about the subject of the sentence and express actions, events, or states of being. The verb or compound verb is the critical element of the predicate of a sentence.
In each of the following sentences, the verb or compound verb is highlighted:
Dracula bites his victims on the neck.
The verb "bites" describes the action Dracula takes.
Got it?

Now I want to all of you find the verbs in this story :

The baby was lying on her back. A blue bird flew in through the window. The blue bird had blue eyes. It sat on the baby’s crib. The bird had a bell around its neck. The bell rang. The baby smiled. The baby reached for the bell. The bird shook its head. The bell fell off the bird’s neck. It fell next to the baby. The baby picked up the bell. The baby rang the bell. Another blue bird flew in through the window. This blue bird also had blue eyes. The baby had brown eyes. The birds looked at the baby. The baby looked at the birds. The baby rang the bell again. Both birds flew away. The baby started to cry. His mama came into the room. The baby smiled. Mama saw the bell. She asked the baby where the bell came from. The baby pointed at the window.

This is easy right? The verbs completely can be found in this story because there are many verbs in the sentences.

That’s all from me :)

Posted by Nor Shahira Bt Mohd Yasin


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