
14 Jan

Everyone can understand Modal Verbs!
What are model verbs?
Model verbs are also called auxiliary verbs, helping verbs and model auxiliaries.
Model verbs are not complete verbs, and they can only be used with a verb. Modal auxiliary verbs may sound difficult but in fact they're easy. Modals are: cancouldmaymightmustought toshallshouldwillwould and need 
   (need can be a full verb, too).

The usage of model verbs:
Model verbs stay in the base form - bare infinitive - the bare infinitive is the infinitive without "to" before the verb.
The following model verbs are used to with the present tense:
    can, will, shall, ought to, must, need, may
The following model verbs are used in the past tense:
would, should, could, might
Model verbs are used to answer questions in the short form
    yes, I do.
    yes, we can.
    No, I don't.
Model verbs can be used as part of the grammar structure of the sentence, such as when used with the perfect tenses.
When are model verbs used:

~ Prediction - Will and Shall

  • Will and shall can be used to state predict that an event or an action will take place or will occur The model verbs can used to make a prediction about an event or action about the future.
  • I think we will be able to go and see the move tonight.
  • My mother thinks we will not get home be it starts to rain.
~ Requests - Offers - Suggestions - Can - Could - May - Shall
To make requests, offers or suggestions can be stated with the model verbs.

~ Permission - Can - Could - May - Might
Can, could, may and might are model verbs that can be used to give permission or deny permission to do something or to someone.
Can I help you cook dinner?
You may not watch T. V. after dinner.

~Certainty - Possibility - Can - Might - may- Could - Shall -Can, might
- and could are model verbs that can be used to state certainty and possibility.

Do you think it might rain tomorrow night?
I might be home before midnight.
You can come over tonight if you would like to.

~Ability - Inability - Can - Could - Able to
My father hopes that we will be able to go to the moves.
I can not go to Europe with you.

Understand enough right? :)
Thanks for reading. Thats all from me .

Posted by : Nor Shahira Bt Mohd Yasin

14 Jan

Connectors are used to join or connect two ideas that have particular relationship. These relationships can be sequential, reason and purpose, adversative and condition. It also joins words and sentences in logical manner.
The examples of sequence connectors are :

  • Therefore
  • Moreover 
  • Furthermore
  • Then
  • Finally
  • Therefore
  • However
  • Afterwards
  • Eventually
  • Otherwise
  • Nevertheless
  • Sometimes

To practice and get more fun exercise check this out yup!

thats all

Posted by : Munira Bt Roslan


14 Jan

We have seen that an adjective is a word that gives more information about a noun or pronoun.  How about adverb?
Lets check out these together! :D

An adverb is usually defined as a word that gives more information about a verb, an adjective or another adverb.  
Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives and adverbs in terms of such qualities as time, frequency and manner.  
In the sentence Sue runs fast, fast describes how or the manner in which Sue runs
In the sentence Sue runs very fast, very describes the adverb fast and gives information about how fast Sue runs.

Most, but not all adverbs end in -ly as in  But not all words that end in -ly are adverbs (ugly is an adjective, supply and reply can both be nouns or verbs). 
Many times an adjective can be made into an adverb by adding -ly as in nicely, quickly, completely, sincerely.

Adverbs of time tell when something happens and adverbs of frequency tell how often something happens.  Below are some common  adverbs of time and frequency which you should learn:
Do it now.
I always do my homework
I will see you then.
We sometimes get confused.
They will be here soon.
He usually gets good grades.
I can't meet you today.
I never went skiing.
Let's go tomorrow.
She rarely eats a big breakfast.
They told me yesterday.
He was once on TV.
Have you traveled recently?
He saw the movie twice.

Review this lesson as many time as you want and kindly do some practice for this chapter.
That's all from me :)

Posted by : Nor Shahira Bt Mohd Yasin

14 Jan

I am going to share about Simple Future Tense on this post. Check out this, learners! :)

The simple future tense is often called will, because we make the simple future tense with the modal auxiliary will.

How do we use the Simple Future Tense?

~ No Plan

We use the simple future tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking. Look at these examples:
  • Hold on. I'll get a pen.
  • We will see what we can do to help you.
  • Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight.
In these examples, we had no firm plan before speaking. The decision is made at the time of speaking.
We often use the simple future tense with the verb to think before it:
  • think I'll go to the gym tomorrow.
  • think I will have a holiday next year.
  • I don't think I'll buy that car.

~ Prediction

We often use the simple future tense to make a prediction about the future. Again, there is no firm plan. We are saying what we think will happen. Here are some examples:
  • It will rain tomorrow.
  • People won't go to Jupiter before the 22nd century.
  • Who do you think will get the job?

~ Be

When the main verb is be, we can use the simple future tense even if we have a firm plan or decision before speaking. Examples:
  • I'll be in London tomorrow.
  • I'm going shopping. I won't be very long.
  • Will you be at work tomorrow?
Get it?
That's all from me :D

Posted by : Suhaila Bt Musa

14 Jan

A conjunction is a word that connects other words or group of words. In other word, it joins two parts of sentence. 

Here are some examples of conjunctions :

Coordinating ConjunctionsSubordinating Conjunctions
and, but, or, nor, for, yet, soalthough, because, since, unless

Conjunction has three basic forms :
  • Single Word
    for example: and, but, because, although
  • Compound (often ending with as or that)
    for example: provided that, as long as, in order that
  • Correlative (surrounding an adverb or adjective)
    for example: so...that
Conjunctions have two basic functions :
  • Coordinating conjunctions are used to join two parts of a sentence that are grammatically equal. The two parts may be single words or clauses, for example:
    - Jack and Jill went up the hill.
    - The water was warm, but I didn't go swimming.
  • Subordinating conjunctions are used to join a subordinate dependent clause to a main clause, for example:
    - I went swimming although it was cold.
That's all :)

Posted by :  NurHasyimah Bt Mohd Nasir

13 Jan

Hello learners! :D
On previous post, we have learned about comparative, right?
So now we are going to learn superlative.

Definition : A superlative adjective expresses the extreme or highest degree of a quality. We use a superlative adjective to describe the extreme quality of one thing in a group of things.

In the example below, "biggest" is the superlative form of the adjective "big" :

A is the biggest.

Another example : 

the right one is the tallest 

Forming the superlative :

FormRuleFor example
Words of one syllable ending in "e".
Add -st to the end of the word.
wide - widest
Words of one syllable, with one vowel and one consonant at the end.Double the consonant and add -est to the end of the word.big - biggest
Words of one syllable, with more than one vowel or more than one consonant at the end.Add -est to the end of the word.high - highest
Words of two syllables, ending in "y".Change "y" to "i", and add-est to the end of the word.happy - happiest
Words of two syllables or more, not ending in "y".Place "the most" before the adjective.beautiful - the most beautiful

Take this note : We can use superlative adjectives when talking about three or more things, not two things.

Posted by :  Nor Shahira Bt Mohd Yasin

13 Jan

When we talk about two things, we can "compare" them. We can see if they are the same or different. Perhaps they are the same in some ways and different in other ways. We can use comparative adjectives to describe the differences.

In the example below, "bigger" is the comparative form of the adjective "big":

A1 A2
A1 is bigger than A2.

Same goes to when we compare the physical size of two peoples. Lets see this :

the boy at the right side is fatter than the boy at the left side

So, this is what we call comparative.

Please take note this : 
We can use comparative adjectives when talking about two things only. Not three, four or more things.

Posted by : Munira Bt Roslan

13 Jan

We often use the present continuous tense in English. It is very different from the simple present tense, both in structure and in use.Continuous tenses are also called progressive tenses. So the present progressive tense is the same as the present continuous tense.

We use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening now.For example : 

  1. The kids are watching TV. 
  2. Who are you writing to?
  3. She is singing.

    We can also use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening around now, and not necessarily this very moment.

    1. Sally is studying really hard for her exams this week.
    2. I am going to visit my Grandma this weekend.
    3. I am reading a really interesting book now. 

      The Present Continuous Tense is also used to talk about activities happening in the near future, especially for planned future events.

      1.  I am seeing my dentist on Wednesday.
      2. Polly is coming for dinner tomorrow.
      3. Are you doing anything tonight? 

      Quick Spelling Hint: Make sure you DO NOT spell this tense as Present Continuos or Present Continous that appear to be very typical spelling mistakes.

      Posted by: Nur Aryani Natasha bt Abd Ghani

      3 Jan

      Pronouns are small words that take the place of a noun. We can use a pronoun instead of a noun. Pronouns are words like: heyouoursthemselvessomeeach... If we didn't have pronouns, we would have to repeat a lot of nouns.
      For the example :
      Sara is nine years old. She is very kind.

      In this sentence above, we use the subject pronoun 'she' to replace the noun 'Sara' to make the sentence less repetition. Pronouns consist of Subject Pronoun, Object Pronoun, Possessive Pronoun and Reflexive Pronoun. Check this out child! :)

      Subject Pronoun
      Object Pronoun
      Possessive Adjective
      Possessive Pronoun
      Reflexive Pronoun
      That's all from me

      Posted by : Suhaila Bt Musa

      3 Jan

      Can you see this picture learners?
      What are the symbols in this square?

      All of the symbols in the square are punctuations.
      Now, I am going to share with all of you about punctuation marks

      Punctuation is the name for marks used in writing. These marks help with understanding. There are many kinds of punctuation. Some of them can do many things. These are some common punctuation marks used in English:
      • ( . ) - a period or full stop, used to end a sentence. It shows when an idea is finished.
      • ( , ) - a comma, used to list things and and indicate sentences or questions
      • ( ? ) - a question mark or query, used when writing the questions.
      • ! ) - an exclamation mark, used write about strong emotion or to be shouted.
      • ( ' ) - an apostrophe, used to show that something belongs to something else.
      • ( " ) - a quotation mark, used around the worlds that people have said.
      Example of full stop : I have a book.
      Example of comma : I love to eat chicken rice, salad and fried rice.
      Example of question mark : Where are you going?
      Example of exclamation mark : Oh my God!
      Example of apostrophe : This book is Mary's.
      Example of quotation mark : Ali said, " I love English very much! ".

      That's all from me. Do learn okay :)

      Posted by : Nor Shahira Bt Mohd Yasin

      3 Jan

      Today's grammar item is the present perfect tense. The present perfect tense is used to show the following;  
      Ø      An action that has just happened or happened recently.  
      Ø      An action that began in the past but is still continuing.  
      Ø      An action that happened at an unspecified time in the past.  
      Examples of the present perfect tense;  
      • Mary has just arrived from school.  
      • Lina has lived in Ipoh since 1997.  
      • Elina has been to New Zealand.  
      That's all from me..Hope this short post will give you the benefits. Thanks :)

      posted by Suhaila Bt Musa